Helping an Entertainment Fandom Platform Build a Comprehensive Application That Brings All Fans Under a Single Umbrella

September 30, 2021

Helping an Entertainment Fandom Platform Build a Comprehensive Application That Brings All Fans Under a Single Umbrella

Our client is a media and entertainment site that prioritizes fans and their interests. It is a global entertainment media brand and fan-trusted source in entertainment that allows fans to explore, contribute to, and celebrate the world of pop culture. They were looking for means to bring in the respective communities together without jumping from one site to another.

The Need Statement

A novel entertainment fandom platform was looking for a solution provider to help build a comprehensive application that will strengthen the fandom community and bring them all under a single umbrella. They wanted to build a secure platform that will allow fans to follow their favorite celebrities, movies etc. and also connect with community members who share their love and passion for the idols.

The Solution

Eleviant created a vibrant Mobile application (iOS & Android) for the client which is not only engaging but interactive and encourages users to explore more content. The client was offered with a multitude of benefits that help manage reports, groups, regulate content and much more. Leveraging an array of robust technologies like Azure Search Services, Google Vision API, to name a few, the system today manages around 30 million posts, 250 contests, and 100 trivia games.

That’s Not All Folks!

If you are interested to know more about how we helped the client achieve the monumental success, fill in your details and we will send the case study right away!


"Everybody on the Eleviant team that I’ve dealt with are good people. They are high character, high quality people that I would refer to anybody."

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