What Is AI Software Testing and How Is It Used

September 10, 2024

Idhaya M V

What Is AI Software Testing and How Is It Used

Renowned leadership expert and bestselling author Brian Tracy quotes: “Those people who develop the ability to continuously acquire new and better forms of knowledge that they can apply to their work and their lives will be the movers and shakers in our society for the indefinite future.” This holds even greater significance in AI-driven software testing. The rapid evolution of AI technologies requires a constant pursuit of knowledge to use their potential effectively. By staying updated with AI testing, QA teams can improve testing efficiency and become strategic partners in shaping the future of software development. 

AI Testing vs. Testing AI: It’s Not the Same

AI testing and testing AI systems are different concepts. While the latter focuses on evaluating AI systems’ functionality, AI testing uses AI techniques to enhance the QA process, identifying defects and improving efficiency. Unlike traditional software, AI systems are constantly learning and adapting. AI programs use advanced techniques like NLP and deep learning. This dynamic nature can make it seem like testing AI itself is the primary objective. However, the true focus of AI testing lies in using AI’s capabilities to create an efficient QA process. AI testing can mimic user interactions, sniff out anomalies, and uncover hidden defects that might slip by human eyes. This takes thoroughness in QA process to a whole new level! 

Use Cases of AI in Software Testing

AI is revolutionizing QA testing, transforming it from reactive to proactive. Here are some ways to use AI in your test automation: 

  • Test Case Generation: AI can analyze user behavior, application logic, and historical data to generate comprehensive test cases. 
  • Predictive Analytics for QA: AI uses machine learning to analyze past testing data and predict potential user behaviors and help in risk mitigation. 
  • AI-driven Regression Testing: AI automates regression testing, intelligently selecting relevant test cases based on changes. 
  • Self-Healing and Continuous Testing: AI enables self-healing test automation, automatically adjusting test scripts when the UI changes. 
  • Intelligent Test Data Creation: AI generates realistic test data by analyzing existing patterns and user behavior. 
  • Bug Detection & Prediction: AI identifies irregularity and predicts potential bugs early in the development cycle. 

AI-Powered Test Automation Tools

Now that we’ve covered AI use cases in software testing, let’s explore the AI-powered tools that can enhance our test automation efforts. 


testRigor is an AI-powered test automation tool that simplifies test creation and maintenance. It offers an extensive suite of features for efficient and effective testing. 

Key Features: 

  • Rapid Test Creation: Enables users to create test scripts quickly and easily as the tool generates possible test scenarios for the specific modules/sections/screens based on auto discovery. 
  • Natural Language Test Creation: Allows users to create test cases using plain English instructions. 
  • Enhanced Test Maintenance: Reduces maintenance efforts through self-healing capabilities and intelligent script management. 
  • Real-World Simulation: Simulates real-world user interactions for accurate testing thus ensuring extensive test coverage. 
  • Advanced Issue Analysis: Identifies, groups, and analyses test failures for faster resolution. 
  • Visual Testing: Compares screenshots to detect UI changes and inconsistencies. 
  • Geolocation Simulation: Tests application behaviour under different geographic locations. 
  • Phone Call/SMS Validation: Integrates with services like Twilio for communication-based testing. 


TestCraft is a codeless test automation platform that emphasizes AI-driven test creation and maintenance. It offers features to enhance test coverage, accessibility, and test script reusability. 

Key Features: 

  • AI-Powered Test Idea Generation: Generates innovative test scenarios based on both positive and negative testing. 
  • Test Script Integration and Generation: Allows test cases to be adapted for use with various automation frameworks such as Selenium, Cypress & Playwright. 
  • Multi language support: The tool can generate test scripts in multiple languages, including JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, and Python.  
  • Built-in Accessibility Testing: Provides tools to identify and address accessibility issues. 


Testim is an AI-driven test automation platform that emphasizes test stability and maintenance. It offers a hybrid approach, combining codeless and code-based test creation. 

Key Features: 

  • Self-healing AI: Automatically adapts test cases to UI changes, reducing maintenance overhead. 
  • Smart Locators: Reliably identifies and tracks UI elements for improved test stability. 
  • Hybrid Testing: Supports both codeless and code-based test creation. 


Applitools is an AI-powered visual testing platform that focuses on ensuring UI consistency across different platforms and browsers. 

Key Features: 

  • AI-Powered Visual Validation: Uses AI to automatically detect visual differences between UI snapshots, maintaining consistency. 
  • Cross-Browser and Mobile Testing: Supports visual testing across various browsers and devices. 
  • Integration and Automation: Integrates with popular testing frameworks and CI/CD pipelines for efficient test execution. 
  • No-code test creation: Enables users to create tests using natural English language, without writing code, making it accessible to non-technical teams. 
  • Automatic test updates: Adapts to changes in the application under test, reducing test maintenance efforts. 
  • End-to-end test coverage: Supports complex test scenarios involving multiple interactions. 


Mabl is a test automation platform that emphasizes visual testing and AI-driven test maintenance. It offers features for efficient test creation, execution, and analysis. 

Key Features: 

  • AI-Powered Visual Testing: Employs AI to compare UI snapshots and detect visual changes. 
  • Custom Scripting: Allows users to incorporate custom JavaScript code for specific test actions. 


Perfecto is a cloud-based AI-powered test automation tool that helps teams automate testing for web and mobile applications. It uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve testing efficiency and accuracy. 

Key features: 

  • AI-Powered Root Cause Analysis: Quickly identifies the true causes of test failures, reducing troubleshooting time.
  • Scriptless Automation: Allows you to create and execute tests in plain language, eliminating the need for scripts 
  • Generative AI for Test Data: Generates and injects test images and data on the fly, streamlining the testing process 
  • Pop-Up Detection: Automatically detects and handles pop-ups to ensure smooth test execution 
  • Self-Healing Object Identification: Identifies objects on the page despite layout changes, ensuring robust and reliable tests.

Key Benefits of AI in Software Testing

  • Accelerated test execution 
  • Predictive analytics 
  • Risk-based testing 
  • Performance optimization 
  • Self-healing tests

AI Testing Best Practices and Strategies

The world of QA testing is evolving rapidly with AI. You might have questions about how to best integrate AI into their testing strategy. Here are some key questions:  

Question 1: We have a well-established testing process. Where can AI add the most value? 

Refrain from scraping your existing process! AI excels at specific tasks. Focus on areas where repetitive testing, visual regression, or data analysis consume significant resources. AI can automate these tasks, freeing your QA team for more strategic testing and innovation. 

Question 2: Integrating a whole new system sounds complex. How to gradually incorporate AI in software testing? 

You don’t have to rip and replace everything. Explore tools that smoothly integrate with your existing testing frameworks. This allows a gradual transition, using the power of AI while maximizing your current investments. 

Source: Katalon

Question 3: How can we ensure AI testing continues to deliver value? 

Please don’t set it and forget it! Continuously monitor the performance of your AI testing tools. Track results, identify areas for improvement, and refine your training data as needed. This ensures your AI remains optimized and delivers consistent value over time. 

Importance of Partnering with AI-Skilled Testing Partners 

As we’ve explored, AI testing has vast potential benefits, encompassing everything from automated regression testing to proactive bug detection. These are not just possibilities, but promising avenues for improving your testing processes. Yet, successfully using AI’s power requires awareness of its capabilities and the expertise to integrate it effectively within your existing testing framework.  

This is where Eleviant can help.  

We offer expertise in AI tools, strategic decision-making for resource allocation, and the ability to identify hidden ROI opportunities within your QA processes.  

Don’t let the complexities of AI testing hold you back. 

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