Optimizing SharePoint for Manufacturing and Logistics Industry

August 26, 2024

Renita Joan

Optimizing SharePoint for Manufacturing and Logistics Industry

The manufacturing and logistics industries have a high-pressure environment. Deadlines loom, production lines hum, and your team is constantly striving to optimize the flow of goods. Many companies still rely on legacy systems and a patchwork of digital tools that can significantly hamper the organization’s productivity and growth, leaving your business to play catch-up.  

The result?  

Information Silos: Crucial data like shipping instructions, production schedules, and compliance records are trapped in email threads, local drives, and physical folders. Finding them seems hectic, slowing down critical processes. 

Process Inefficiencies: Manufacturing, warehousing, and distribution teams struggle to work together effectively. Limited access to shared information and outdated communication channels create friction and hinder smooth operations. 

Delayed Decision-Making: Essential data for informed decision-making, like real-time inventory levels or shipment tracking, is either inaccessible or requires tedious manual compilation. Data disruptions delay critical choices and expose your business to unnecessary risks. 

Version Control Chaos: Multiple versions of documents floating around can lead to confusion and costly errors.  

These are a few of the many issues that combine to create a drag on your agility and responsiveness. Modern logistics businesses require a robust, integrated suite of technological solutions to navigate these challenges, achieve long-term strategic goals, and eliminate the frustrating status quo.  

One pivotal tool is SharePoint, a versatile platform within Microsoft Office 365. SharePoint enhances operational efficiency and revolutionizes how organizations manage data, streamline workflows, and foster collaboration. 

How SharePoint Supports Manufacturing and Logistics Operations

Data Management 

According to a McKinsey report, the average knowledge worker spends 20% of their time searching for information.  

SharePoint offers centralized data storage, ensuring essential documents, like blueprints in manufacturing and shipping manifests in logistics, are easily storable, organizable, accessible, and shareable across the organization. Permissions can be set to allow only specific individuals to access certain documents. It also enables multiple users to collaborate on a document simultaneously, eliminating the need for version control and boosting productivity. This centralization enhances data integrity and reduces the risk of data loss or duplication.  

Global Manufacturing Firm Migrates Data and Modernizes their SharePoint

A multinational manufacturing firm needed to migrate their data to a new international region for easier access and an upgraded SharePoint experience. We reorganized their information architecture, migrated the data, and implemented custom workflows. Data migration streamlined their operations, unified the company-wide intranet, and empowered BUs with greater autonomy and local data access. 

Collaboration and Communication 

Forrester‘s study says that having all communication in one place- SharePoint- improves collaboration and information sharing, saving employees 1.1 to 8.0 hours per week. Additionally, a Microsoft study found that using Teams reduced factory floor errors by 25% that occurred due to misinformation for manufacturing workers.  

SharePoint improves team communication, allowing seamless sharing of updates and critical information. SharePoint serves as the backbone of your Microsoft ecosystem, seamlessly integrating with all collaboration tools to enhance meetings, tasks, projects, and teamwork. MS SharePoint seamlessly integrates with collaboration tools, like chat, video conferencing, and online whiteboards, helping teams work together from anywhere in real-time. This enhanced communication fosters a more cohesive and responsive operation in both industries. 

Workflow Automation 

Routine tasks, such as inventory checks in manufacturing and shipment scheduling in logistics, can be automated using SharePoint’s workflow capabilities.  

By using Power Automate and SharePoint, organizations can streamline processes, reduce manual errors, and improve manufacturing and logistics efficiency. Automated workflows free up valuable time for employees to focus on more strategic tasks. According to McKinsey, organizations that automate processes experience a 30% reduction in operational costs. 

Quality Control and Compliance 

Maintaining high-quality standards and adhering to industry regulations are essential in manufacturing, while logistics compliance with shipping regulations is critical. SharePoint assists in managing quality control documents and tracking compliance with industry standards. SharePoint’s advanced audit and security features save 40% in audit and compliance costs and help avoid noncompliance penalties. 

Data Analytics and Reporting 

SharePoint’s integration with analytics tools and Power BI allows manufacturers and logistics operators to create custom dashboards for real-time monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs) and operational efficiency. These insights help identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement, leading to more efficient operations.  

Based on McKinsey’s recent findings, top companies report major profit gains from data analytics. They are 3x more likely to say data boosted earnings by 20%+ in the past 3 years. Data analytics and reporting capability enable organizations to track productivity, quality control, and compliance with automated reporting, optimizing processes and cost savings. 

Supply Chain Management 

Logistics operations rely heavily on efficient supply chain management. Supply chain disruptions can cause a massive 62% loss in finances. SharePoint streamlines supply chain operations by improving vendor and supplier coordination. This streamlined communication ensures that supply chain disruptions are minimized, and operations run smoothly. 

Inventory Management 

Real-time tracking of inventory levels is critical, especially in logistics. 34% of businesses face product shortages and shipment delays due to inadequate inventory management systems.  

SharePoint provides tools for automated restocking and inventory audits, ensuring that inventory levels are always optimal. Real-time visibility into inventory status helps reduce stockouts and overstock situations. 

Shipment Tracking and Coordination 

Managing shipping documents and tracking shipment statuses can be complex. SharePoint simplifies these tasks by providing a centralized platform for managing shipping documents and tracking delivery statuses. PwC’s findings reveal that real-time shipment tracking significantly improves supply chain visibility by 50%, increases shipping information timeliness by 30%, and makes customs clearance more efficient (49% reduction in cargo delays, 48% reduction in inspections). The coordination improves the reliability of shipments and enhances customer satisfaction. 

Benefits of SharePoint for a Microsoft 365-Licensed Organization 

Seamless Integration: One significant advantage of using SharePoint within a Microsoft 365 environment is its seamless integration with other Microsoft apps like Teams, Outlook, and more. This integration provides a unified platform for all business operations.  

Enhanced Security: Protecting sensitive information is a top priority for any organization. SharePoint offers advanced security features that safeguard data and ensure compliance with industry standards. This robust security framework provides peace of mind for organizations handling critical data. 

Scalability and Flexibility: As businesses grow, their operational needs evolve. SharePoint’s scalability and flexibility allow organizations to adapt to changing business requirements. Whether expanding storage capabilities or adding new functionalities, SharePoint can scale to meet growing demands. 

Cost Efficiency: By streamlining processes and reducing operational costs, SharePoint maximizes the return on investment (ROI) for organizations already using Microsoft 365. This cost efficiency and enhanced productivity make SharePoint a valuable tool for modern businesses. 

Streamlining Project Management Activities Using SharePoint

A clinical research advisor and safety consultant centralized their project management using SharePoint, transforming their scattered file-based system into a transparent, efficient, and trackable process. This upgrade enabled on-time project deliveries, enhanced stakeholder visibility, and provided interactive BI dashboards for real-time progress analysis. 

Eleviant CTG SharePoint Expertise 

With 10+ years of MS partnership, we help businesses to fully leverage the platform’s capabilities. We specialize in customizing SharePoint to meet your unique needs, ensuring that it’s tailored to your specific workflows and processes. By integrating Power Automate, we streamline and automate routine tasks, boosting efficiency and productivity. Additionally, we focus on modernizing your SharePoint system, enhancing navigation, and improving the overall user experience. This not only maximizes the value of your SharePoint investment but also empowers your team to collaborate more effectively. 

End Note 

SharePoint is a powerful tool for modernizing manufacturing and logistics operations. Its numerous capabilities make it an indispensable asset for organizations looking to optimize and automate their operations. By taking advantage of SharePoint within a Microsoft 365 environment, businesses can achieve greater efficiency, security, scalability, and cost savings. Explore SharePoint’s capabilities and step towards digital transformation with us. 

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