Sales Enablement Platform

Revolutionize Sales with an Augmented experience.

Digital Solutions for the Furniture Retailers and Manufactures

The World as we know it has changed. With multiple factors governing the way businesses function, and numerous technologies popping up every day to make sense of the reality we live in, it only makes sense to go beyond the usual sales experience. Even Brick & Mortar corner stores now have to migrate to the digital realm to stay relevant.

vSales is a powerful Sales enablement tool that empowers home furnishing manufacturers and retailers to provide a revolutionary modern digital experience for customers and sales representatives with the power of Artificial Intelligence/Augmented Reality.


Key Benefits of vSales

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Digital Catalog

With a centralized digital catalog combining marketing, sales, and technical information, you can help make informed Sales claims and decisions. Your Sales representatives do not have to fumble around to figure out if a solution is available or otherwise.

3D Visualizations

3D Visualizations

It is important to offer a holistic sales experience for customers – and no, the usual spiel will just not be enough. Interactive 3D visualizations with options to change drawings and view photo-realistic visuals precise to the smallest detail, allow you to offer memorable sales experiences.

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In-store, Mobile & Web

With multiple touchpoints to cater to the different types of customers out there, your business would be a total digital success. With options to connect wherever your customer is, you can expand business seamlessly.


The versatile Kiosk

Even if everything is digital, we cannot write off the in-person experience completely. So you need something that works in "off-grid" as well, enabling customers to access the full feature set irrespective of connectivity to the internet.

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Honoring Wishlists

Sometimes, customers look for certain items that you may not immediately have or might just be a bit unaffordable for your customer at that time. Sales associates can maintain wish lists of multiple customers with options to convert these wish lists to orders.

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Chatbot integrations

Sometimes, the human salesperson alone is not enough, considering availability and product knowledge. A built-in chatbot allows customers to get information in real-time on order status, specifications, and more, 24/7.

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